~Yukon here~
Mom was having technical problems getting her book to publish itself....so she went to see Marty at college for some help with the computer stuff. His friend Brandon was there also, and between the three of them, I think the problem was solved. We'll see. But in the meantime, I got hissed at by Theo, who thinks he owns the boys' apartment....what a wazoo! That cat has been in the family less time than I have, but how quickly cats forget!
Just to show him "I ain't afraid of no cats" I drank all his water and cleaned his food bowl while he watched from the back of the couch! Ha! And what did Mr. Pussy-pus do? Nada! That's right. He just watched me make myself at home and chow down on his fancy-pants cat food. The only thing that made it sweeter, was that Martin forgot all about the cat when he was hugging on ME! I love my boy....he takes a heavy-hitter head bump like a champ! He even pats his shoulders for me to rear up and whack my paws on his shoulders, and the kid doesn't fold up accordion style when I do it, either.
But then he had to go to work and mom was still filling water jugs. Marty left her the apartment key so she could lock up. I watched mom pour pitcher after pitcher of water into the jugs until she could hardly lift them and had to have Brandon help her get the jugs into the truck. (Which made me wonder how she planned to get them out of the truck and into the cistern by herself, but oh, well. No one listens to the voice of reason when it comes from a dog....ever noticed that?) Then Mom went to Marty's work--an ice cream store!!! And she had a coupon for FREE ice cream. She came back to the truck with Java Chip on a sugar cone! I could hardly wait for her to get to the last bite, so I could have mine. She was enjoying it enough that I worried she might not remember to share--but I got the last bite as our owner-contract stipulates....guess I was worried for nothing.
Yerz, Yukonobite
PS> Yes, Marty got his apartment key....even in the face of free ice cream, mom remembered.
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