Hi All, Yukon here~
Mom was tossin the ol' blue ball when she decided that she didn't want to play with that toy anymore. It's my favorite and I didn't want to quit, but she told me "NO" and put my ball on top of the doghouse roof. So, I humored her by chasing the red ball. It's much bigger and more trouble getting up the back porch steps, but I did my best and she kept playing, which is the important thing.
When mom wanted to stop, though, she didn't give my blue ball back to me....it was still on the roof....so I climbed up there and tried to get it down. Unfortunately, it rolled off the side next to the people-house, and got stuck. So there I was, with my rump up and my elbows down, and my head dangling, trying to get the ball un-stuck....it eventually worked, but the ball then rolled off the porch and into the yard while I watched from the doghouse roof. The yard is farther from the roof than it looks when you're up there, as I know from previous experience. I may be a big brown dog, but I'm not a big dumb dog. I climbed off the roof onto the couch and then onto the porch floor...ran down the steps and finally got my blue ball back in the game....score!!!!
Yerz, Yukojordan
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