Yukon here~
Went on a long trip with just mama and me. First her clock yelled before the sun was even up. I figured she'd just tell it to go back to sleep, especially when she reached over and slapped it on the head. But nope. She struggled out of the sheets and actually got up. I wasn't ready, myself, but she made all us dogs wake up and go do our business. (Now, in what universe is this right? If I want to get up first, she tells me to go back to sleep.)
I slept most of the way with my head on mom's leg. The sun was up pretty good by the time she stopped for pancakes. Of course I got the last couple bites and licked syrup off the container. Then she made a phone call and we drove out into the country-side. I could smell cows, pigs, fresh hay. We turned around a couple times, then mom made another phone call and drove some more. Finally, it seemed like we were where we were going, but mom didn't let me out. I wouldn't have minded doing a quick perimeter check, but mom left me in the truck.
Finally, she came back smelling like that wild bunny I chased the week before. I pushed my nose in her tummy and sniffed her good. You aren't going to believe it. I'm not sure I do, either, but mom just got two pet boy rabbits that are going to live in our house. What ever happened to her rule about not having connecting links of the food chain in the same house? (Okay, she never really followed that rule, what with the cats and birds, anyway.) She's already made it clear that us dogs are not going to play with HER bunnies. The least she could do is share the buns, don't you think?
Oh no. They have their own room. With a baby-gate across the door. Well, they share their room with the parrot, who sticks her head out of the cage and looks at them sideways calling "kittykittykitty" and meowing like a cat. Then Doc laughs and laughs at her own joke. Us dogs get to sniff the bunnies though the baby gate when we go outside and that's it. Mom sits in there and brushes them every day. They have long cat hair kinda hair. Mom says she will make yarn out of their fur and sell it for a million dollars someday.
Wish me luck, folks, as the temptation to play with these new toys is plenty strong. Not just for me. Sally's inner-beagle is howling to be set free, and Gretchen's prey drive is in high gear. Thank goodness, I got my ball and hole digging to keep me busy.
Yerz, Yukonoble
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