Monday, December 19, 2011

Pittsburgh or Bust

Well, mom said we were going on an Adventure, and she wasn't all. She had gotten a spot at the Hello Bully christmas craft show to try selling her book.  It was all the way in Pittsburgh and no one could go with her except me...darn "work" excuse, as usual.  But I was all for it.  Say "adventure" to me, and I'm all about the leash!!  You betcha!

We left about 10:30 at night so we could be there in plenty of time the next morning.  Dad helped lift the show trunk into mom's little S10 pick-up.  It takes two strong people, and I've got no thumbs.  I tried tellin mom if she made ramps and put a cotton tug rope on the front handle, I'd pull it into the truck by myself, but she hasn't gone for that, yet.  I was sleeping pretty good by the time we stopped for gas and a sniff.  There had been dogs from Georgia state there last and they marked with a southern slang that made me huff my lips, I tell ya....good 'ol boy hounds I'd like to meet some day for a run in the pines....

And then it happened.  We were cruisin along, with my head on mom's leg and her stroking my ears when the motor sound of the truck stopped and the stick thingy wouldn't move at all.  Mom could get the motor to run, but the "shifter" never did work again, so far as I know.  We sat in the ditch while mom talked on the phone.  Then we sniffed the ditch, but there hadn't been any other dogs stop there and it wasn't all that interesting to me....the sky was clear and plenty of stars were glittering in the night.  Finally, a big truck came backwards down the ramp and stopped in front of mom's little truck.  The guy liked dogs and had a couple.  One was a pit bull and the other one was a Aussie.  He let me ride in his big truck and I got the whole back seat to myself.  It was three am before we found a place to sleep and they wanted extra money for letting me sleep there too.  Mom wouldn't let me sleep on the bed, but I had my own crate bed which is comfy enough.

We got a phone call early in the morning but mom didn't talk at all.  Just groaned and got up.  I was too nervous to let her out of my sight.  Things were strange, but mom was also upset and nervous, so I scratched the bathroom door until she thought I was going to dig a hole in it.  Plus, I was making puppy sounds and she didn't want me to wake up the other people.  I smelled a million smells, but didn't see any other people.  Then we went to a resturant inside the hotel.  I had to be tied to the door knob and couldn't come in, but a mean woman still said, "Unsanitary." like I had germs.  Mom just got one cup of coffee and a box of dry cereal which shouldn't count as breakfast if you ask me.  They did give us a ride to the airport, but we got a car instead of a airplane.  Mom was calm with me standing watching her back.  Some man tried to sneak up behind her, but I gave him the low growl and he got in a different line.  Mom said, "Sorry.  He's such a bone-head" which means that I am a good dog.

more tomorrow, since mom is all about getting to work and I have to play ball outside while she is gone.  When dad gets home, I come in and Gretchen and Sally go out.  The girls are fat and lazy....I heard something about a diet for all the females starting soon......if they'd just play ball more, they wouldn't need to die.   L8r G8rs, Yuke-a-yule

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