it's been a rough day at the underfunded rescue....trapped my wary street fighting tomcat last night and took him to FACE this morning for his snip.....picked him up this afternoon...he's still woozy and hasn't left the crate in my office, even though there's food, water and a litter box right in front of him and all under an unused desk....The previous feral cats I took in to FACE were kept three days and returned to me so they could be released. This one they want me to keep for 10 days before release....poor communication somewhere....
When I went to let the dogs in/out, there was a tame adult cat on my porch, who seems like it's been hanging with the big dogs in the dog-house to keep warm....but when the excitement of the "changing of the dogs" gets out of hand, bad things can happen to visitors and we don't want any mistakes, the cat was totally tame and affection starved, a long haired tux, but physically starved too. A big boned cat, it was knobby with ribs and spine. With everyone but Yukon hustled inside the human house, I got it a can of cat food and put the cat on the dog house roof. I put a styrofoam cooler on its side with a towel inside and a towel as a flap over the front in the old back porch rabbit enclosure.
Gave the cat more food and warm water. Built a temporary wall to block more of the wind on the north side, and put together another litter box. Locked the door to the enclosure, but it's been so long since we used it that I forgot about the bottom lock on the door--plus there was a lot going on. Came back out, shuffling dogs, extension chords, etc. only to find that Gretchen and Sparky had let themselves into the enclosure and couldn't get out.
They'd eaten all the food and drunk all the warm water. Cat didn't seem to mind, just stayed in the warm box. I hustled those two high drive K9s out of there and got Cat more food and water. This time locking top and bottom fastners. Tentatively named this cat Sylvia (Plath/Sylvester) as it's an elegant tuxedo, under all that grey haze and mats. Anyhow, she's friendly, out of the weather and well fed.
Anna; "I wish I could take one of those Kittys"
oh, Anna. The tame one on my porch is so thin it makes me cry whenever I pet her...and she's so affection starved, she wants petted, purring and curling around my feet....I can't stand it. this didn't happen over night....
The wild one in the office knocked over the baby gate which was stored behind the door, effectively barricading himself in and me out. When I finally squiggled my hand inside enough to move the fallen gate, I was greeted with a hiss...haven't seen him, but the litter box has been used and his food bowl was there's a cat in here somewhere.