Thursday, May 31, 2012

Literature Blogs
Oddly enough, there have been over 7,000 visits to my want to touch base with everyone....I'm back to working part time.  So, will be writing again soon....catching up on house and yard work that had been sorely neglected.  Yukon is his boy-stirrous self.  We're down to three dogs, but making up for it with Rabbits.


Literature BlogsDrove four hours to Chicago to pick up a 4 year old doe....she's an English angora, (chocolate aguti, I'm told) that had been a "home school learning project"......well, the kids are ready for college soon and didn't think they could have the bun in the dorms...(I would have chanced it, but hey, I'm like that--took a doggone PARROT to married housing in grad school for gosh sakes!) They were the nicest folks, included the hutch and a bag full of pet-store toys, remaining feed and bedding....the doe "Thlay" (one of those Watership Down lagomorphisms for FUR--which seems fitting) was "purring" as I held her in the kitchen--but that was before I abducted her and put her in an alien space ship (my car) for the decades long (4 hours return) stasis flight.

Now this new planet has her old familiar hutch (which Stella, my Rex doe is already chewing to bits) and lots of new rabbit smells. Occasionally a bizzarro big-head rabbit (freshly shorn Louie) will periscope up to look inside the hutch, and that almost bald girl rabbit (Stella) is trying to chew her way into the hutch--she seems to be motivated by curiosity more than aggression. 

(seriously--and I feel I should clarify that the above was supposed to be humourous.....This little rabbit is the CUTEST thing...sort of lavendarish with brown tips. The daughter said she'd gotten the rabbit when it was two weeks old (which I doubt)....when she was maybe the rabbit is 5 years old...but been alone all this time, which I chose to consider as her quarantine period. I put the new hutch in the rabbit's pantry....may have to raise it up on large soup cans (full) to get it out of Stella's gnawing range. Thlay is eating her regular pellets with a sprinkling of mine like there's no tomorrow and doesn't know what to do with fresh thistle leaves....the homebuns will demonstrate thistle nomming technique.

Last year I wrote a dog's-eye view book about a group of dogs that break a dogfighting ring (since we humans in this state are doing such a good job of wrist slapping-wink-wink....and I've been toying with the idea of a rabbit's-eye-view novel....didn't have a good plot until now...."Meet the New Bunny"....talking animal books are so fun....and you'd think they'd make for good movies....or something....but I'm working on the rabbit language and behavior descriptions

Anyhoo, I was filming the other rabbit's response to this intruder, when Louie and Stella sat in the middle of their floor--hugging, and staring at the new hutch. Louie shifted away just a little and Stella curled around him under his chin in the cutest hug ever!!!! I got it on film...if you can stand my off key singing, I'll try to post it....

I'm changing her name to "Faye"--hope she doesn't have an identity crisis....